
Das Else Kröner Fresenius Zentrum für optogenetische Therapien der Universitätsmedizin Göttingen sucht zum frühestmöglichen Eintrittstermin eine/n

Technische*n Assistent*in oder Laborant*in (w/m/d)

- Vollzeit, Teilzeit, mindestens 19,25 Stunden Stunden pro Woche, befristet bis 31.03.2029 -

Das Else Kröner Fresenius-Zentrum für Optogenetische Therapien ist ein neues interdisziplinäres klinisches Forschungszentrum der UMG mit Partnern am Göttingen Campus sowie an der Medizinischen Universität Hannover, der Technischen Universität Chemnitz und der Universität Freiburg. Ziel des Zentrums ist die Entwicklung und klinische Translation optogenetischer Therapien für Gehörlose und Blinde sowie die Entwicklung optogenetischer Magenschrittmacher und Brain-Computer-Interfaces.

Ihre Aufgaben:

Als technische Assistenz bzw. Laborant*in sind Sie ein Teil des Forschungsteams und übernehmen unterschiedliche Labortätigkeiten. Sie unterstützen dabei die Wissenschaftler*innen bei der Durchführung von Experimenten. Diese sind abhängig von dem jeweiligen Schwerpunkt der Teams und Plattformen.

Die Stellen beinhalten u. a. folgende Tätigkeitsbereiche:

  • Zellkultur (wie HEK Zellen, Stammzellen, Insektenkulturen)
  • Molekularbiologie (wie DNA-, RNA- und Proteinaufreinigung, qPCR, Western Blot, Klonierungen)
  • Histologische Arbeitsmethoden (wie Immunhistochemie, Probenvorbereitung, Färbungen, automatisierte Analysen)
  • FACS Quantifzierungen
  • Labororganisation (Versuchsvorbereitung, Bestellungen, Dokumentation)
  • Ihr Profil:

  • abgeschlossene Berufsausbildung als technische Assistenz (MTA, BTA, PTA) oder Laborant*in bzw. eine vergleichbare Qualifikation
  • gutes technisches Verständnis sowie die Bereitschaft, neue Arbeitstechniken zu erlernen
  • fließende deutsche Sprachkenntnisse in Wort und Schrift
  • Englischkenntnisse sind vorteilhaft
  • eine selbstständige, sorgfältige und zuverlässige Arbeitsweise
  • ein hohes Maß an Verantwortungsbewusstsein, Engagement und Teamfähigkeit
  • Verfahren an Tieren sind je nach Einsatzbereich vorteilhaft; idealerweise verfügen Sie in diesem Fall über versuchstierkundliche Kurse
  • Unser Angebot:

  • verbunden mit den Vorteilen des Öffentlichen Dienstes bieten wir Ihnen eine abwechslungsreiche und verantwortungsvolle Tätigkeit in unseren engagierten und innovativ arbeitenden Teams
  • Entgelt nach Tarifvertrag für den öffentlichen Dienst der Länder (TV-L) inkl. Sozialleistungen des öffentlichen Dienstes einschließlich Zusatzversorgung
  • die Möglichkeit einer Hospitation
  • strukturierte und begleitete Einarbeitung
  • umfangreiches Fort- und Weiterbildungsangebot
  • ausgezeichnetes betriebliches Gesundheitsmanagement
  • vielfältige Benefits, u.a. betriebseigene Kindertagesstätte, Kinderferienbetreuung, attraktive Infrastruktur, Jobtickets
  • Möglichkeit zu Flexi-Freizeit
  • einen Arbeitsplatz in einer attraktiven, dynamischen und gleichzeitig historischen Stadt
  • Bitte reichen Sie Ihre Bewerbung mit Anschreiben, Lebenslauf, Referenzen und Zeugnissen ausschließlich über das Online-Bewerberportal der UMG ein.

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    Das Else Kröner Fresenius Zentrum für optogenetische Therapien der Universitätsmedizin Göttingen sucht zum frühestmöglichen Eintrittstermin eine/n

    Software-/Elektronik-Ingenieur (m/w/d) zur Hard- und Softwareentwicklung

    - Vollzeit, 38,5 Stunden pro Woche, befristet bis 31.10.2026 -

    Das EKFZ der Universitätsmedizin Göttingen widmet sich der Translation der vier zentralen optogenetischen Ansätze zur Wiederherstellung i) des Hörvermögens und ii) des Sehvermögens, sowie der Erforschung des Potenzials der Optogenetik für iii) den Magenschrittmacher und iv) Gehirn-Computer-Schnittstellen. Diese vier Teams werden durch Technologieplattformen für 1) Opsin-Engineering, 2) Gentransfer, 3) Krankheitsmodelle, 4) Immunphänotypisierung und 5) Entwicklung von Medizinprodukten unterstützt.

    Das EKFZ baut auf eine enge interdisziplinäre Zusammenarbeit zwischen Wissenschaftlern der Universitätsmedizin Göttingen, den Fachbereichen Physik, Mathematik und Biologie der Universität und außeruniversitären Forschungseinrichtungen in Göttingen, wie dem Deutschen Primatenzentrum und den Max-Planck-Instituten für Multidisziplinäre Wissenschaften und für Dynamik und Selbstorganisation, sowie Partnern an der Medizinischen Hochschule Hannover (MHH), der Universität Freiburg und der Technischen Universität Chemnitz.

    Ihr Aufgabengebiet:

  • Entwicklung neuer Hard- und Software für innovative Hörforschung und neuartige (optische) Cochlea-Implantate einschließlich drahtloser Energieübertragung, FPGA und ASIC-Design
  • Weiterentwicklung von vorhandener Hardware, technische Betreuung von physiologischen und psychophysischen Versuchen
  • Ihr Profil:

  • Erfahrungen mit der Herstellung von Platinen-Layouts (bevorzugt Eagle)
  • Erfahrung mit Mikrocontrollern, FPGA und Antennendesign
  • Erfahrungen mit digitaler Signalverarbeitung
  • Erfahrungen in MATLAB-Programmierung sind wünschenswert
  • Durch die internationale Arbeitsgruppe sind Englischkenntnisse notwendig
  • Erfahrung in der Produktentwicklung gemäß den Normen für die Zertifizierung von Medizinprodukten
  • Unser Angebot:

  • eine anspruchsvolle und vielseitige Tätigkeit innerhalb eines engagierten und motivierten Teams
  • die Förderung individueller Stärken und Kompetenzen im Rahmen unseres umfangreichen Fort- und Weiterbildungsprogramms
  • Vergütung nach TV-L mit verschiedenen Sozialleistungen, z.B. eine betriebliche Altersversorgung
  • Bitte reichen Sie Ihre Bewerbung mit Anschreiben, Lebenslauf, Referenzen und Zeugnissen bis zum 30.09.2024 ausschließlich über das Online-Bewerberportal der UMG ein.

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    The Else Kröner Fresenius Zentrum für optogenetische Therapien of the University Medical Centre Göttingen is looking for a new position for the earliest start date

    Junior fellow optogenetic brain computer interfaces (f/m/d)

    - full time, 38,5 hours per week, limited for 4 years -

    The Else Kröner Fresenius Center for Optogenetic Therapies (EKFZ) is a new interdisciplinary clinical research center of the UMG with partners at the Göttingen Campus as well as at Medical University of Hannover, Technical University of Chemnitz, and University of Freiburg. The goal of EKFZ is the development and clinical translation of optogenetic therapies for the deaf and the blind as well as development of optogenetic gastric pacemakers and brain computer interfaces. These four teams are supported by technology platforms for (1) opsin engineering, (2) gene transfer, (3) disease models, (4) immune-phenotyping and (5) development of medical devices.

    The EKFZ builds on a close interdisciplinary collaboration between scientists of the University Medical Center Göttingen, the departments of Physics, Mathematics, and Biology of the University, and non-university research institutions in Göttingen, such as the German Primate Center and the Max Planck Institutes for Multidisciplinary Sciences and for Dynamics and Self-Organization, as well as partners at the Medical University Hannover (MHH), University of Freiburg and Technical University of Chemnitz.

    For further information on the research profile of the brain computer interface team, please contact Dr. Marcus Jeschke, (mjeschke(at) or Dr. Hansjörg Scherberger, (hscherberger(at) and for information on the EKFZ in general, please contact Prof. Dr. Tobias Moser (designated EKFZ spokesperson, tmoser(at)

    Your tasks:

  • Setting up and leading experiments on closed-loop optogenetic brain computer interfaces in non-human primates within the brain computer interface team of the EKFZ
  • contribute to the translation of optogenetic therapies into the clinics
  • Your profile:

  • PhD / MD or equivalent in a subject relevant to EKFZ work (medicine, biology, chemistry, physics, engineering, …)
  • promising postdoctoral researchers seeking to accelerate their way towards independence
  • experience with non-human primates and/or brain computer interfaces
  • experience in visual neuroscience is a plus
  • capable of independent, responsible, flexible work in an international team
  • a keen interest in translational optogenetics
  • We offer:

  • vibrant research landscape for BCI with groups focusing on motor neuroprostheses in primates as well as a strong focus on machine learning approaches for neuroscience in Göttingen with a dedicated Campus Institute Data Science
  • synergistic environment by working with primate neuroscientists working in audition as well as hand movements
  • a stimulating intellectual environment with innovative translational research-projects within the interdisciplinary research areas
  • excellent scientific and technical infrastructure
  • flexible budget for equipment, personnel and consumables
  • integration into the EKFZ teams and platforms
  • mentoring by renowned scientists of the EKFZ
  • membership in the EKFZ academy, promoting exchange between medical and natural scientists and specifically focusing on training in translation (patent applications, regulatory processes, clinical studies, etc.)
  • a wide range of interesting benefits as a UMG employee (including in-house daycare center, child vacation care, attractive infrastructure; health and sports promoted by excellent company health management)
  • location in a beautiful and historic German university town steeped in tradition, with a campus that includes the University of Göttingen, Max Planck Institutes, German Primate Centre and other local research institutions
  • This is an ongoing search for a candidate. We look forward to receiving your application!

    Please include in your application a cover letter indicating your research vision, your CV, a list of publications, references, and relevant certificates and submit it only via the online recruiting portal of the UMG.

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    The Else Kröner Fresenius Center for Optogenetic Therapies invites applications for

    Postdoc (f/m/d) positions

    - Initially limited for two years, with a possibility of extension, full-time, salary according to TV-L -

    We are looking for excellent and highly motivated scientists with an interest in translation of optogenetics into the clinics to join one of the four teams or five platforms of the newly founded Else Kröner Fresenius Center for Optogenetic Therapies (EKFZ). The successful applicant will become a member of the new academy of the EKFZ and, further, can be associated with the Hertha-Sponer-College of the MBEXC.

    The EKFZ at the University Medical Center Göttingen is dedicated to the translation of the four core optogenetic approaches to restore i) hearing and ii) vision and explore the potential of optogenetics for iii) gastric pacemaking and iv) brain-computer interfaces. These four teams are supported by the platforms for 1) opsin engineering, 2) gene transfer, 3) disease models, 4) immune-phenotyping and 5) development of medical devices.

    The EKFZ relies on a close interdisciplinary collaboration between the University Medical Center Göttingen, the faculties of Physics, Mathematics, and Biology of the University, and non-university research institutions in Göttingen, such as the German Primate Center and the Max Planck Institutes for Multidisciplinary Sciences and for Dynamics and Self-Organization, as well as partners at the Medical University Hannover (MHH) and University of Freiburg.

    Your tasks:

  • work within one of the teams and platforms of the EKFZ
  • prepare the translation of optogenetic therapies into the clinics
  • Your profile:

  • PhD / MD or equivalent in a Life Sciences subject (biology, chemistry, physics,…)
  • labwork experience
  • independent, responsible, flexible working style and ability to work in an international team
  • a keen interest in translational optogenetics
  • We offer:

  • a stimulating intellectual environment with innovative translational research-projects within the interdisciplinary research areas
  • excellent scientific and technical infrastructure
  • integration into the EKFZ teams or platforms
  • mentoring by renowned scientists of the EKFZ
  • membership in the EKFZ academy, promoting exchange between medical and natural scientists and specifically focusing on training in translation (patent applications, regulatory processes, clinical studies, etc.)
  • a wide range of interesting benefits as a UMG employee (including in-house daycare center, child vacation care, attractive infrastructure; health and sports promoted by excellent company health management)
  • location in a beautiful and historic German university town steeped in tradition, with a campus that includes the University of Göttingen, Max Planck Institutes, German Primate Center and other local research institutions
  • The University Medical Center Göttingen is committed to professional equality. We therefore seek to increase the proportion of under-represented genders. Applicants with disabilities and equal qualifications will be given preferential treatment.

    Please include in your application a cover letter indicating your favorite team or platform to work in, your CV, list of publications, references, and relevant certificates and send as a single pdf file to This is an ongoing search for candidates, several positions are to be filled.

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    The Else Kröner Fresenius Center for Optogenetic Therapies invites applications for

    PhD student (f/m/d) positions

    - Initially limited for three years, with a possibility of extension, salary according to TV-L -

    We are looking for excellent and highly motivated PhD students with an interest in translation of optogenetics into the clinics to join one of the four teams or five platforms of the newly founded Else Kröner Fresenius Center for Optogenetic Therapies (EKFZ). The successful applicant will become a member of the new academy of the EKFZ and, further, can be associated with the Hertha-Sponer-College of the MBEXC.

    The EKFZ at the University Medical Center Göttingen is dedicated to the translation of the four core optogenetic approaches to restore i) hearing and ii) vision and explore the potential of optogenetics for iii) gastric pacemaking and iv) brain-computer interfaces. These four teams are supported by the platforms for 1) opsin engineering, 2) gene transfer, 3) disease models, 4) immune-phenotyping and 5) development of medical devices.

    The EKFZ relies on a close interdisciplinary collaboration between the University Medical Center Göttingen, the faculties of Physics, Mathematics, and Biology of the University, and non-university research institutions in Göttingen, such as the German Primate Center and the Max Planck Institutes for Multidisciplinary Sciences and for Dynamics and Self-Organization, as well as partners at the Medical University Hannover (MHH) and University of Freiburg.

    Your tasks:

  • work within one of the teams and platforms of the EKFZ
  • prepare the translation of optogenetic therapies into the clinics
  • obtain a PhD degree
  • Your profile:

  • completed Master of Sciences or equivalent in a Life Sciences subject (biology, chemistry, physics,…)
  • labwork experience
  • independent, responsible, flexible working style and ability to work in an international team
  • a keen interest in translational optogenetics
  • We offer:

  • structured PhD training within GAUSS/GGNB
  • a stimulating intellectual environment with innovative translational research-projects within the interdisciplinary research areas
  • excellent scientific and technical infrastructure
  • integration into the EKFZ teams or platforms
  • mentoring by renowned scientists of the EKFZ
  • membership in the EKFZ academy, promoting exchange between medical and natural scientists and specifically focusing on training in translation (patent applications, regulatory processes, clinical studies, etc.)
  • a wide range of interesting benefits as a UMG employee (including in-house daycare center, child vacation care, attractive infrastructure; health and sports promoted by excellent company health management)
  • location in a beautiful and historic German university town steeped in tradition, with a campus that includes the University of Göttingen, Max Planck Institutes, German Primate Center and other local research institutions
  • The University Medical Center Göttingen is committed to professional equality. We therefore seek to increase the proportion of under-represented genders. Applicants with disabilities and equal qualifications will be given preferential treatment.

    Please include in your application a cover letter indicating your favorite team or platform to work in, your CV, list of publications, references, and relevant certificates and send as a single pdf file to This is an ongoing search for candidates, several positions are to be filled.

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    The Else Kröner Fresenius Center for Optogenetic Therapies (EKFZ) and the Institute for Auditory Neuroscience of the University Medical Center Göttingen (Germany) invite applications for a

    Clinician Scientist (f/m/d)

    working on a project with one of the teams or platforms of EKFZ
    - Limited for one year, with a possibility of extension, full time position -

    We are looking for an excellent and highly motivated clinician with an interest in translation of optogenetics into clinics to join one of the four teams or five platforms of the newly founded Else Kröner Fresenius Center for Optogenetic Therapies (EKFZ) as part of a research rotation. The successful applicant will become a member of the new academy of the EKFZ and, further, can be associated with clinician-scientist programs of the University Medical Center Göttingen.

    The EKFZ at the University Medical Center Göttingen is dedicated to the translation of the four core optogenetic approaches to restore i) hearing and ii) vision and explore the potential of optogenetics for iii) gastric pacemaking and iv) brain-computer interfaces. These four teams are supported by the platforms for 1) opsin engineering, 2) gene transfer, 3) disease models, 4) immune-phenotyping and 5) development of medical devices.

    The EKFZ relies on a close interdisciplinary collaboration between the University Medical Center Göttingen, the faculties of Physics, Mathematics, and Biology of the University, and non-university research institutions in Göttingen, such as the German Primate Center and the Max Planck Institutes for Multidisciplinary Sciences and for Dynamics and Self-Organization, as well as partners at the Medical University Hannover (MHH) and University of Freiburg.

    Your tasks:

  • plan and realise your own research project within the scientific scope of the EKFZ under supervision by a principal investigator of the EKFZ.
  • Your profile:

  • completed studies in human medicine with licence to practise medicine
  • medical doctorate, at least completed experimental part of the doctoral thesis
  • labwork experience
  • proof of scientific interest by a scientifically sound and promising project outline
  • independent, responsible, flexible working style and ability to work in a team
  • We offer:

  • a stimulating intellectual environment with innovative translational research projects within the interdisciplinary research area
  • excellent scientific and technical infrastructure
  • integration into the EKFZ research group of your choice
  • mentoring by renowned scientists of the EKFZ
  • membership in the academy of the EKFZ promoting exchange between medical and natural scientists and specifically focusing on training in translation (patent applications, regulatory processes, clinical studies, etc.)
  • a wide range of interesting benefits as an UMG employee (including in-house daycare center, child vacation care, attractive infrastructure; health and sports promoted by excellent company health management)
  • location in a beautiful and historic German university town steeped in tradition, with a campus that includes the University of Göttingen, Max Planck Institutes, German Primate Centre and other local research institutions
  • Please include in your application a cover letter, a brief research plan outlining the envisaged integration into the scientific scope of the EKFZ, your CV, list of publications, names of possible referees, and relevant certificates.

    Only applications from employees of the UMG can be considered.

    We look forward to receiving your application by 04/20/2024

    Prof. Dr. Tobias Moser
    Institut für Auditorische Neurowissenschaften
    Universitätsmedizin Göttingen
    Robiert-Koch-Str. 40
    37075 Göttingen, Germany
    Tel.: +49 551/39-63071

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    We welcome applications for PhD collaboration. We are looking for excellent and highly motivated applicants with a strong background (first degree) in biology, (biomedical) engineering, physics, or neuroscience.
    Competence in electrophysiology, behavioral approaches, state of the art light microscopy, and/or computational data analysis will be useful. If interested, please send your application to one of the team or platform members or to